It was perhaps when I was around the age of nine, and my sister and I had been arguing yet again, that my brother, tiresome from listening to all the squabbling, decided to let me stay in his room with him and watch a film. The film, was Star Wars – A New Hope. Subsequently, from this moment on, I needed no further encouragement to continue on with the following movies, and by the end of it all, I was transfixed. As I was growing up, other things became more paramount, and whilst they were always one of my most esteemed and best loved films, I didn’t have much more to do with them. Up until now.

It seems that over time, I’ve become somewhat of a Star Wars junkie, getting my fixes wherever possible. Carboots, charity shops, online. Anything to do with Star Wars and I have to have it. Models, memory sticks, pillows, posters, toys, mugs – even lightsaber chopsticks. And only months ago, I went that one step further to show my appreciation to the Star Wars franchise, by adding to my tattoo collection with a portrait of the Sith Lord himself, Darth Vader and his clone kiss ass, the Stormtrooper. As my collection gets bigger, and my room gets smaller, I’m starting to think that I may need to curb my habit until I get a place of my own. And by that time, I’ll fill my home with as many lighsaber lights, Qui-Gon Jinn money boxes and Darth Vader clocks as I wish. Until then, I’d thought I’d share a small example of my acquired possessions – and feel free to suggest more!

A present from my lovely boyfriend – only after countless persuasive hours and a long winded guilt trip. Now I can be a jedi of the sushi world and master the salmon skin roll. May the fork not be with you!

Completely pointless, but how awesome?! R2-D2 mints, shaped like the astromech droid himself. The coolest way to freshen your breath.

It was my boyfriends 21st birthday last month, and being the amazing girlfriend that I am, I took it upon my self to construct this Star Wars themed cake. It looks absolutely nothing like the original picture, which was pretty awesome I must say, but for my first cake making attempt, I pretty pleased with it.

A steal at only a £1, I bought this Darth Vader mask from a little boy at a carboot, along with a Wolverine claw hand. It’s probably the best value item out of my collection.

These were actually purchased for my boyfriend, again for his birthday, however I was so close to keeping them for myself. After all of the hassle – do you know how hard it is to find double sized bedsheets? – I did die a little bit inside at having to give them away.

It’s so much more enjoyable drinking your morning coffee from Boba Fett’s head.

Pairing this phone case with an Imperial March ringtone guarantees you some strange looks from the people in my area, but it sure is an exciting way to answer your phone.

Just so you can get a mental picture of just how nerdy me and my boyfriend are, we love nothing more than fighting with our lightsabers, sounds and all. We may occasionally switch it up with my Wolverine hand or even his replica Heroes Sword.

My proudest moment yet. Sitting for this four hour, soul destroying art work was nearly the end of me. But I got through it, with the addition of several sweat patches, but I couldn’t be more ecstatic with the result. I’m amazed with all the compliments received and more will be added at a future date – possibly some script – MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU’. Thanks to Lee at the Seventh Day Tattoo Studio in Derby.

   Both purchased from Comic Con, both never used. An example of my ever increasing Star Wars hoarding addiction. Maybe if I keep Boba in his packaging, he’ll be worth some dollar when I’m like, 70. Probably not.

Lando Calrissian – Another carboot bargain buy. I’m not entirely sure but I think he was in the region of a couple of quid and no one can resist prices like that!

After watching my boyfriend graduate a couple of weeks ago, we were walking past a charity shop when we came across THIS mammoth sized model of a Star Destroyer, with fibre optics, for the minuscule price of £10. Looking forward to a good few weeks assembling this bad boy.

A new sexy addition to my wardrobe – the infamous R2-D2 Black Milk swimsuit, which shall get so much wear out of it, it will turn the same colour as Darth Vader by the time I’m done!

Picture 5Got my fancy dress costume sorted. Do not buy latex if you want to breathe.

I can’t think of a better way to tell people the time. Disappointed that he’s an episode 1 C3PO but probably the reason he was dirt cheap.